“I Ne’er Shall Wean Her” is a beautiful jig that I learned from Christy McNamara’s album “The House I Was Reared In”. Christy is an amazing photographer as well and he has taken some great photos of musicians over the past 30 years.
Check out his website http://www.christymcnamara.com/
I recorded this tune for a “30 tune-a-day” challenge back in 2015, see the video below.
T:I Ne’er Shall Wean Her
|:E2G GED|E2G c2B|A2A AGA|cde e2d|
cde g2a|ged c2d|eag e2d|1 cAG A2G:|2 cAG A2d||
|:e2g ged|e2g ged|e2a aga|bag a2c|
cde g2a|ged c2d|eag e2d|1 cAG A2d:|2cAG A2G||
3 thoughts on “I Ne’er Shall Wean Her”
Lovely stuff again Charles
Lovely Charles. Thank you.
What jig would you play with this one for a set?
Thank you so much for your comment Maggie, glad you enjoyed this tune. I just picked up my concertina there and after playing this jig I went into “Headwood Crossing”, a lovely jig in C major. Aminor to Cmajor is a nice key change I find 🙂