“Her Lovely Hair Was Flowing Down Her Back” is a hornpipe I first learned from The Mulcahy Family on their wonderful album “Notes From The Heart”.
I came across this tune many times and in different keys, so I transcribed two keys below, Aminor and Bminor (also watch the video below where I recorded this tune in Aminor). I think it is also played in Gminor sometimes. There are also several variations of the titles such as “Her Golden Hair Flowed down her back” or “Her Long Dark Hair Flowing down her Back” and I heard that Junior Crehan himself used to change the title depending on which one of his daughters would be in the audience!
It was also recorded under the name “Moll Ha’Penny” by Maeve Donnelly & Peader O’Loughlin, or as “Annie Russell’s” (and as a reel!) by Denis Liddy and Michael Hynes, who cite Micho Russell as the source of this tune, stating that he learned it from his mother Annie Russell.
T:Her Lovely Hair Was Flowing Down Her Back
C:Junior Crehan
cd|:edce d2cA|GEE2 G2cd|edce d2cd|eaag a2g=f|
edce d2cA|GEE2 GAcd|edcA dcAG|A2AG A2cd:||
|:egg^f g2ed|cAAB c2cd|eaag a2g=f|edce d2cd|
egg^f g2ed|cAAB c2cd|edcA dcAG|A2AG A2cd:||
T:Her Lovely Hair Was Flowing Down Her Back
C:Junior Crehan
|:de|fedf e2dB|A~F3 ABde|fedf e2de|fbba b2ag|
fedf e2dB|A~F3 ABde|fedB edBA|B2BA B2:||
|:de|faab afef|dBAB d2de|fbba b2ag|fedf e2de|
faab afef|dBAB d2de|fedf edBA|B2BA B2:|| (also