Peader O Loughlin

Jack Rowe's | Tunes From Doolin | Irish Traditional Music

Jack Rowe’s

“Jack Rowe’s” is an old Clare reel that I associate with the playing of Peader O’Loughlin and Maeve Donnelly, it is the opening tune on their classic album “The Thing Itself”.

Her Lovely Hair was Flowing Down Her Back | Tunes From Doolin | Irish Traditional Music

Her Lovely Hair Was Flowing Down Her Back

“Her Lovely Hair Was Flowing Down Her Back” is a hornpipe I first learned from The Mulcahy Family on their wonderful album “Notes From The Heart”. I came across this tune many times and in different keys, so I transcribed two keys below, Aminor and Bminor. I think it is also played in Gminor sometimes.