Jack Rowe’s
“Jack Rowe’s” is an old Clare reel that I associate with the playing of Peader O’Loughlin and Maeve Donnelly, it is the opening tune on their classic album “The Thing Itself”.
“Jack Rowe’s” is an old Clare reel that I associate with the playing of Peader O’Loughlin and Maeve Donnelly, it is the opening tune on their classic album “The Thing Itself”.
“Her Lovely Hair Was Flowing Down Her Back” is a hornpipe I first learned from The Mulcahy Family on their wonderful album “Notes From The Heart”. I came across this tune many times and in different keys, so I transcribed two keys below, Aminor and Bminor. I think it is also played in Gminor sometimes.
I learned this lovely jig, “Eddie Moloney’s”, from Terry Bingham during the Russell Memorial Weekend back in 2012. Eddie Moloney was a flute player from East Galway and this particular tune was recorded on one of my all time favourite albums, “The Thing Itself” by Maeve Donnelly & Peadar O’Loughlin. X:1 T:Eddie Moloney’s M:6/8 L:1/8 …