Tommy Fitzharris

Josephine Begley's (hornpipe) | Tunes From Doolin | Irish Traditional Music

Josephine Begley’s

I first learned “Josephine Begley’s” many years ago from Terry Bingham’s album, on which he calls this tune “Mairtin O’Connor’s”. I only found out in February 2021 that this hornpipe was in fact a composition of Frankie Gavin. It is the great flute and concertina player from Laois Tommy Fitzharris who provided me with this information.

Jackie Small's | Tunes From Doolin | Irish Traditional Music

Jackie Small’s

“Jackie Small’s” is a jig that I learned from Terry Bingham during the Russell Memorial Weekend back in 2015, and I believe got that tune from the playing of De Dannan. It also features on a great album called “The Bank of Turf” by Tommy Fitzharris (flute) and Donal McCague (fiddle).