Willie Coleman’s is a very common jig. It was one of the first tunes I ever learned on tin whistle and was taught to me by my friend Tom Delany, a great piper now based in Dingle, Co. Kerry. I also associate “Willie Coleman’s” with the playing of the late Kitty Hayes’ in particular, who was a wonderful concertina player from Co. Clare.
T:Willie Coleman’s
|:BAG AGE|GED GBd|edB dgb|age dBG|
B2G AGE|GED GBd|edB dBA|1 AGF G2A:|2 AGF GBd||
|:g2g edB|dgb age|~g3 edB|GBd e2d|
~g3 edB|dgb age|dBd edB|1 AGF GBd:|2 AGF G2A||