The Trip To Birmingham is a popular session tune that was composed by flute player Josie McDermott from County Sligo. I first learned this reel from the playing of Colette Coen, a lovely whistle player from Sligo who lived in Doolin for a while. I also associate this tune with my great friend Adrian McMahon. Adrian usually plays “The Green Mountain” after this tune.
A tune that is also commonly played after “The Trip To Birmingham” is “Darby’s Farewell To London“, another composition of Josie McDermott.
Hugh Healy and Blackie O’Connell recorded this tune on their album We Were Drinking And Kissing The Ladies.
T:Trip To Birmingham, The
C:Josie McDermott
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DGGF G2Bd|edBd efga|bgg2 a2ge|1 dBAB G2GE:|2 dBAB G2GB||
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dggf g2ga|bgag edBA|~G3B dGBG|AGFA G2GB:|