This is the second tune of the “Jimmy Duffy’s Barndances”, which I learned from my friend, flute player Stéphane Germain. He actually enjoys playing these two barndances on the accordion, and it is one of our favourite sets to play at our Sunday afternoon session at Gus O’Connor’s Pub.
Click here for the first tune of the set, “Jimmy Duffy’s No 1”.
T:Jimmy Duffy’s No.2
|:b2ba g2ge|dBGA B2BA|GABc defg|agfe d2dg|
b2ba g2ge|dBGA B2BA|Ggfe dBcA|G2GF G2Bd:||
|:e2eB d2dB|G2 (3AGF G2GD|GABc defg|agfe d2Bd|
e2eB d2dB|G2 (3AGF G2GD|GABc defg|agfa g2dB:||
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