I learned “The Hunter’s Purse” from Adam & Dave Shapiro’s CD “Cape To Clare”. Adam & Dave are two brothers from South Africa, who came to Ireland for the music and based themselves around Doolin. Adam is the fiddle player with “Fiddle Case” and still lives in the area and it is always a great pleasure to meet him for tunes!
T:Hunter’s Purse, The
|:eAAG AGEF|G2AF GED2|cBcd eged|cdef ged2|
eAAB AGEF|G2AF GED2|cBcd eged|cABG A2Bd:|
|:eaab agef|g2af gedB|cBcd eged|cdef ged2|
eaab agef|g2af gedB|cBcd eged|cABG A2Bd:|