“The De’il Among The Tailors” is a setdance I learned from one of Doolin’s legends, concertina player Packie Russell. This being said, I actually first heard this tune on Hugh Healy & Blackie O’Connell’s album “We were drinking and kissing the ladies”. They mention Packie Russell as their source and so I learned it from the album “The Russell Family” as well. It was also recorded by The Ceili Bandits, a great band which featured Yvonne Casey, Eoin O’Neill, Quentin Cooper & Ger Hoyne.
T:De’il Among The Tailors (The)
|:dc|BdGd BdGd|Bdgf edcB|ceAB ceAB|cegf egdc|
BdGd BdGd|Bdgf edcB|cdef gedc|BGAF G2:||
|:(3def|g2 (3def g2 (3def|g2fg egdB|ceAB ceAB|cegf eg (3def|
g2 (3def g2 (3def|g2fg egdB|cdef gedc|BGAF G2:||