I learned the “Bag of Spuds” a long time ago and associate this tune with the great accordion player Seán Vaughan. It is a common session tune in Clare and I think I first learned it from Edel Fox and Ronan O’Flaherty’s album.
T:Bag Of Spuds, The
|:A2eA cAeA|ABcd eBdB|G2dG BGdG|G~B3 GBdB|
A2eA cAeA|ABcd eBdB|GABd edge|1 dBGA BAAG:|2 dBGA BAA2||
|:a2ea ageg|agbg agef|gedB GABd|~g3a bgeg|
a2ea ageg|agbg ageg|d2de g2ge|dBGA BAA2:||
2 thoughts on “Bag of Spuds (The)”
Any suggestions what to pair this wit in a set ?
Hi Clive! It is one of my “go to” tunes when I’m not sure what to play, so I play it in a lot of different combinations, but I particularly like playing after “The Green Fields of Rosbeigh”, in Eminor.